European TV & Online Content - Satel Film

Leopoldina Habsburg - The Birth of Modern Brazil

Koordinator: Satel Film GmbH
Förderbereich : MEDIA - TV and online content
Sparte: MEDIA
Laufzeit: 30.04.2022 - 30.04.2024
EU-Zuschuss: € 107.458


Leopoldina Habsburg - The Birth of Modern Brazil

Finanzierung: Creative Europe MEDIA + ORF + ZDF/Arte + ORF E + FFW + Land NÖ + RTR + VAM

Länder: Österreich, Deutschland, Frankreich, vorab-Lizenzverkäufe an Tschechien, Finnland, Ungarn

Länge: 52 Minuten

Genre: Dokudrama

Regie: Katharina Heigl

Produzent*innen: Bettina Kuhn, Sonja Hofmann

Drehbuch: Katharina Heigl


In September 1822, Dom Pedro 1 and his wife Leopoldina found the Empire of Brazil, thereby freeing the country from Portuguese colonialism and putting an end to exploitation and foreign influence. lt is a brave move that both surprises and angers the European powers - but, wlthout lt, modern Brazll would not exlst. The reglon would have dlslntegrated lnto a number of smaller republlcs, engaged in wars on two fronts agalnst enemies In thelr Immediate nelghbourhood and In contlnental Europe. The visionary and drivlng force behlnd the project ls Leopoldina of Austria, a member of the Habsburg dynasty who continues tobe revered in modern-day Brazil. To this day, she is considered the "Mother of the Nation".

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