Slate Funding - Amour Fou

Koordinator: AMOUR FOU Vienna GmbH
Förderbereich : MEDIA - Development Slate Funding
Sparte: MEDIA
Laufzeit: 25.08.2021 - 25.08.2023
EU-Zuschuss: € 165.000


- HAPPYLAND von Evi Romen

After a failed career as a musician, Helen(e) returns to provincial life. Here she encounters ghosts of her youth in the shape of former band members, her great love – and a son she never had.

- HÔTEL DES THERMES von Maéva Ranaïvojaona & Georg Tiller
People from all over the world meet in the majestic colonial hotel of a provincial town in Madagascar. An extraordinary plague epidemic breaks out and traps the inhabitants. Fever and madness spread through the hotel, fuelled by the existential fears of each individual.

- IM VERGORBENEN von Goran Rebić

Vienna, 1944. Eva, a former activist of Red Vienna and now secretary of the Evangelical High Consistory, ads persecuted Jews in peril of her own life. Among them is Walter, whom she hides in her tiny service apartment. In hiding, a love affair between the two begins to blossom, and with ravenous will for freedom, Eva attempts to defy their fate.


- WHO CARES von Ina Ivanceanu  

At some point in our lives each and every one of us needs other people to care for us, and almost all of us will sooner or later have to care for others – though this applies to women far more than men. Although this care work is an absolute prerequisite of life itself, it is not valued as such. WHO CARES is a personal exploration on film, an attempt by a woman filmmaker to discover why this is the case—and whether it has to stay that way.


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