Hier geht es zu Aufzeichnungen von Veranstaltungen, weiterbildenden Webinare, spannenden Diskussionen, Online - Lectures etc.
CEE Animation Experience - Archive of webinars
Explore our webinar Vimeo archive where you can catch up on past sessions. Click here to access the comprehensive list of sessions, offering a diverse range of topics and industry insights.
CEE Animation Experience - Keynotes
Don't have time to watch the entire webinar? Get the essence of each session through our concise and essential keynotes, providing you with the crucial insights you need to stay informed and inspired in the world of animation.
CED MEDIA Workshop on Documentary Approach in Fiction Films– Aufzeichnung
6.September 2023 @27th Baltic Sea Docs, Riga
organised by several MEDIA Desks
Watch the recording here :
Aufzeichnung - Europe in Focus: Industry Innovation Forum Tallin - Sustaining Resilience and Foresight for Europe
22. November 2022, Tallin (Estland)
supported by the European Commission, Creative Europe MEDIA, and organized in partnership with the Black Nights Film Festival and its Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event Platform.
Creativity 4 Sustainability
The forum discussed eco guidelines and good practices for (more) sustainable international (co)operation and mobility in culture.
Live streamed from Ljubljana on 28. 9. 2022.
Forum Ustvarjalnost ZA trajnost / Creativity 4 Sustainability - YouTube
EUROPEAN Showrunner Think Tanks
a series of industry events aimed at discussing, defining, and eventually establishing the showrunner position in Europe.
Showrunning: A European Approach | Wednesday, March 23, 2022, from 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm, at Series Mania, Lille
Please find here the recording of the session
Showrunning in Europe: The Broadcaster’s Perspective | Tuesday, May 24, 2022, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm CEST, via Zoom
Please find here the recording of the session
Embracing Diversity & Social Responsibility | Tuesday, September 6, 2022, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm CEST, via Zoom
ISI - International Screen Institut - Aufzeichnungen
Julia Short (Head of Studies) spricht mit dem MEDIA Desk Catalunya
IDF Industry Sessions in cooperation with CinéDoc-Tbilisi
August 10 at 6 pm (CEST)
Protagonists in Fragile Situations - Extended Q&As about I'll Stand by You
August 17 at 6 pm (CEST)
Benefits and Challenges in Co-productions - A Case Study of The Last Shelter
August 24 at 6 pm (CEST)
How to Prepare Film Material for Editing - A Case Study of Nelly & Nadine
How to turn XR to a commercial art form
3. September, Venice Immersive Market (IT)
Das MEDIA Programm hat im aktuellen Programm die Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für XR-Projekte enorm erweitert. Nicht zuletzt deshalb luden die Creative Europe MEDIA Desks aus Italien, Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Belgien und Portugal auf dem Venice Immersive Market zu einer Diskussion über den Vertrieb von XR ein.
REACH OUT! – How to attract your audience
9.06.2022, Warschau (PL)
An international event dedicated to tools and methods of building an audience for films and new marketing trends. The conference organized by Creative Europe Desk Poland
#EuropeVoicesofWomeninFilm2022 - Panel
3. Juni 2022, online
A live conversation with the filmmakers #EuropeVoicesofWomeninFilm2022 and EWA's Strategy Consultant Tamara Tatishvili
Celebrating Women in MEDIA
10.03.2022, Zagreb (HR)
Alles rund um außergewöhnliches weibliches Filmschaffen in Europa. Vor und hinter der Kamera. Panel-Talks, Interviews und Infos zu Weiterbildungsinitativen für Frauen.
"What is there for me?" – Aufzeichnung
Info-Veranstaltung über verschiedene Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten für Frauen in der Filmbranche.
mit Maria Silvia Gatta, Helene Granqvist (WIFTI), Jenni Koski (EWA), Judith Klein (Series Women/EPI), Biljana Tutorov (Circle – Women Doc Accelerator), Julia Berg (The Writer’s Lab +40) und Esther Krausz (ProPro).
"Women 360°" – Aufzeichnung
Panel-Talk mit 6 Frauen die MEDIA supported stories bereichert haben und sich für Gleichberechtigung innerhalb der Branche einsetzen.
mit: Dubravka Turić (editor/director from Croatia), Maite Woköck (producer/innovative tools & business models beneficiary from Germany), Dafni Bechtsi (CEO of CINOBO from Greece), Lucia Milazzotto (Cinecittà’s Sales & Marketing Director/ ex MIA market CEO/ from Italy), Christine A. Maier (cinematographer from Austria) and Joana Gusmao (Co-Director of DocLisboa & producer from Portugal)
Interview with Jasmila Žbanić - Quo vadis, Aida- Aufzeichnung
Der vielfach ausgezeichnete Film "Quo vadis, Aida" gewann bei den EUROPEAN FILM Awards in den Kategorien Best Film, Best Director und Best Actress. Wir haben die Ehre ein Interview mit der preisgekrönten Regisseurin Jasmila Žbanić zu veranstalten. Moderiert von Wendy Mitchell ( Journalistin, Moderatorin und Festival Consultant)
Europa Cinemas - Innovation Lab 2022
Vorträge, Panel-Talks, Interviews und vieles mehr zu den aktuellen Chancen und Herausforderungen europäischer Kinos.
Series Rough Pitch – The Balkan Way – Workshop & Pitching Event
25.11.2021, Zagreb
8 TV-Serien Projekte in Entwicklung aus der Balkan Region wurden vorgestellt. Für den mit 5.000,- dotierten Preis wählte die hochkarätige Jury - darunter Susanne Spellitz /ORF das Projekt "LADY DRIVER" von Bojana Babić & Anđela Dubljević (scriptwriters) aus. Eine Zusammenarbeit von 7 MEDIA Desks.
European Film Forum 2017 – 2022
The European Film Forum is a platform for a structured dialogue between policy makers and stakeholders in the audiovisual sector organised by the European Commission’s Creative Europe MEDIA programme. It travels to film festivals and markets and aims at developing a strategic policy agenda, opening up new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities brought by the digital transformation.
Akademie des österreichischen Films Gespräche
Hier geht es zu allen Auzeichnungen der Akademie Talk - Reihe