
European Writers Desk 4.0

16. August 2022 - 16. August 2022

Here is the programme of our next meeting on Tuesday August 16

  • 10 am: presentation of the MEDIA funded European Showrunner Programme by Nadja Radojevic
  • 10.30 to 10.55am: 1st breakout session
  • 11.00 to 11.25am: 2nd breakout session


First of all we would like to thank you for your feedback and ideas on how we could proceed. We are offering  the breakout-rooms according to your propositions.


  1. Pitching Room: writers get the opportunity to pitch a project or an idea to get feedback from the European colleagues.
    If you choose this room please let us know if you want to pitch.
  2. Writers Room: here you will have the possibility to exchange your experiences with working in writers rooms. How is the work flow? Did you work with a showrunner? Etc. In case you don’t have this experience so far, you are welcome as well to ask questions.
  3. Exchange Room on the relation between author – producer – broadcaster


There will be up to 4 writer per room to make it more intense. Please choose 2 rooms (you can also choose two times the same topic and discuss it with different people).


Please confirm your participation together with your choices until Friday August 12.

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